Monday, September 30, 2013

Autobiography Ann, Mixtures, and Solutions

Today we had a very special guest come to visit our class. Her name is "Autobiography Ann". She is 95 years old and loves "telling her life story" to people. She told us all about her very interesting life and even showed us pictures. The kids our now working on their autobiographies to share with the class. Keep your eye out for "Biography Bianca" later this week. 

In Science last week we began exploring mixtures and tools that can be used to separate a mixture. 

Today we started working on "solutions" which are special types of a mixture. In solutions one or more materials dissolve into the other. Once mixed, you are not able to separate the mixture back out (other than to apply heat and cause the water to evaporate). To understand solutions we started with a fun activity with water and Hawaiian Punch. (Thanks Mrs.Price for this fun idea!) 

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. 

Thank You, 
Ms. Sellers 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Like the experiment and the visitors of the class!

  3. My child said, "Does she not realize we know it's her?!?!" Thanks for always keeping learning fun!

  4. Hi, Your classroom looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing those great ideas. I have a question about your looping... How did it go? I myself am looping with my first graders to second this year. I've been looking for ideas on how to begin the year with them but I really haven't found anything. I don't want to do the same things so I was hoping to find new and exciting activities for the first week. I'm on desperate mode since school will begin in about 4 weeks from today :/ I'll appreciate any suggestions and ideas. :) thanks, Looping into Second...Lymari
